Nature Is The Best Playground

Children are naturally drawn to playing outside. It is a natural environment for them, and comes with a feeling of freedom that simply cannot be replicated indoors. Watch them embrace the freedom by running around, jumping, climbing, shouting and swinging.

It has been found that children can be emotionally affected by their environment and as a result can change their behaviour. In overcrowded spaces, some children can become more aggressive while others become more solitary (Bates, 1986). Children tend to feel less inhibited outdoors and talk more.

There are plenty of health benefits too! The most natural way to get our daily dose of Vitamin D is exposure to the sun’s UVB rays. Children need Vitamin D for healthy bone development. It’s also been clinically proven to make you feel happier. Exercise is also crucial for development and being outdoors enables children to get active. Moreover, there is evidence that exercise improves emotional health and wellbeing, and sense of calmness (Armstrong, 1996).

Children need to be given plenty of opportunities to fine tune their motor skills, both gross and fine. After all, we know that practise makes perfect! Climbing trees, space to run around and digging dirt are all great ways to strengthen those muscles for healthy development of gross motor skills. Picking up natural treasures, picking berries from bushes or threading sticks through leaves are great ways to practise those fine motor skills essential for exercising those little hands.

Children learn through four vehicles: play, talk, sensory experiences and movement. Outdoor play combines all four. Children learn best by doing so it makes sense to get them outside to really experience it..the vastness, the open spaces, the wind on their cheeks, the smell of freshly cut grass, the uneven ground beneath their feet, the sound of birds whistling from the trees or squirrels scuttling in the autumn leaves. It really is that wonderful!

And best of all, it’s completely free! Happy adventuring and exploring in the great outdoors, Jasmine ♡

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